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  • The Santa Claus Forest

    The Santa Claus Forest Nature Trail starts 7.8 km north-east of Rovaniemi, on the Arctic Circle. You can walk from Santa Claus Village to the Santa Claus Forest along the trail. In the Santa Claus Forest, tourists and local people have planted thousands of named spruce trees and can come and see the growth and development of their own trees over the years.  The trail starts at the north-western edge of the Santa Claus Village...
  • Vaattunkivaara nature trail

    The Vaattunkivaara Nature Trail is located in Vikajärvi, 24.7 km from Rovaniemi toward Sodankylä. It is part of the Arctic Circle Hiking Area, a wilderness destination ideal for year-round outdoor recreation. The landscape's signature features are rugged hills, open, water-logged string bogs, and Raudanjoki with its spectacular rapids and lush shoreline forest. The hiking area’s trail network is diverse and has several resting places, offering visitors of all ages a variety of hiking destinations...
  • Vikaköngäs accessible trail

    The Vikaköngäs Accessible Trail is in Vikajärvi, 24.8 km from Rovaniemi toward Sodankylä. It is part of the Arctic Circle hiking area, a wilderness destination ideal for year-round outdoor recreation. The landscape's signature features are the rugged hills, open water-logged string bogs, and Raudanjoki with its spectacular rapids and lush shoreline forest. The hiking area’s trail network is diverse and has several resting places, offering visitors of all ages a variety of hiking destinations...
  • Virikkolampi trail

    The Virikkolampi Trail is in Pöyliövaara, a hill 3.1 km south of the Rovaniemi city centre and the Kemi River. In the winter, there are cross-country ski trails that connect to the ski trail network of Ounasvaara. Pöyliövaara is a popular berry-picking site in the summer. The circular Virikkolampi Trail is 6,8 km long...
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